Conical fermenter for Beer and Wine

Fermentasaurus in action
This is a $150.00 conical fermenter and in it is 23 Lt American lager which is in primary fermentation. At the bottom there is a ball valve and a receiver bottle for the excess yeast. Normally the lights would be off and the fermenter would be covered with the dark blanket taken off for picture purpose. Do an Easy 1st Brew or Extract with Grain and load it in this one step fermenter. Available at “E & L” Wine and Brew , click to visit.
It comes with a stick on “quantity scale” which has to be carefully attached. Also included is a stick on thermometer which is sometime difficult to read depending on the light around the room so we used one of our own and placed it next to the quantity scale.
This fermentasurus allows you to do primary and secondary fermentation without transfering to another container. When ready to bottle or keg you attach the included attachment to which you attach proper tubing, voila.
On top of the fermentasaurus is a $50.00 optional cover which has In and Out ball valve posts, same as Cornelius kegs; therefore the In allows to add Co2 and the Out has a float with a tubing attached so samping or distribution can be performed from this outpost. We added a $35.00 pressure regulator allowing to ferment under natural Co2: it is not accurate but we did adjust to release at 12 psi. This fermenter will withstand up to 35 psi pressure.
The total capacity is 35 Lt allowing room for the Krausen. It is made of clear material allowing to see the action below the surface and it is quite impressive.
NOTE: there are many ways you can use this wonderfull fermenter and one neet way is to start the batch with the bottom valve closed allowing the yeast to deposit and stay on top of the ball valve; when 1.5 inch has accumutated unscrew bottle and insert (spray) a small amount of Co2 in bottle to neutralize oxygen and screw bottle back on and slowly open bottom ball valve; once bottle is full, close ball valve, empty and clean bottle and let it go into secondary fermentation (if you desire a cleaner finished beer) without any transfering. Two days before bottling or kegging place the bottle at the bottom and slowly open ball valve until ready to package. Don’t forget to close ball valve before removing bottle and install the attachment on which you will install and secure proper tubing.
Prepare a batch of anything you like such as the Easy First Brew under the beer tab; or any other brew and when ready to ferment, use this great piece of equipment.
In a month or so we will post videos on this technique, meanwhile many videos are available on youtube.
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