This Website is dedicated to the Art of making Craft Ale and Beer as well as other craft beverages such as Wine, Ciders and Liquors “Distilled Spirit”. It will be a source of information for the beginners as well as long time Home Brewers.
Now that is a Craft Beer

American IPA at 3c
Reality Checkpoint; if you drink 2 bottles of commercial beer a day it equals to 60 servings per month which represents 5 twelve packs at $25.00 each, so it is costing you $125.00 a month. Not bad so far! But $1,500 a year is translated into a 10 years total bill of $15,000 dollars. Save money… start brewing.
We will also provide multiple related links to help you further your knowledge and improve your production of the highest quality Craft Beverages.
Warning: in the process of crafting beverages you may develop a severe syndrome of cenosillicaphobia lol, Google this one or click on the word, have fun!
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